Postcard for the event ACT Festival 2017 Inbetween Dramatic Networking (hosted by Asia Culture Center, Gwangju and organized by Asia Culter Institute, Gwangju). Offset, size 148 × 105 mm.
Leaflet for the event ACT Festival 2017 Inbetween Dramatic Networking (hosted by Asia Culture Center, Gwangju and organized by Asia Culter Institute, Gwangju). Offset, saddle stitch, size 210 × 148 mm, 16 pp.
Leaflet for the exhibition Media Study: Tension and Realxation (curated by Jeeah Choi, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu).Offset, saddle stitch, size 210 × 148 mm, 16 pp.
Leaflet for the exhibition of SeMA Exhibition Archive: Reading Writing Speaking (curated by Gahee Park, Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA). Offset, size 210 × 120 mm.
Leaflet for the memorial exhibition of Nam June Paik Nam June Paik ∞ Fluxus (curated by Leeji Hong, Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA). Offset, size 420 × 297 mm, 8 pp.
Poster for the memorial exhibition of Nam June Paik Nam June Paik ∞ Fluxus (curated by Leeji Hong, Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA). Offset, size 841 × 594 mm.